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Rancho Cucamonga Middle School
Mr. Garretson - Teacher - Mr. Garretson's email address  -

Learning Information
Daily schedule
See below for the specific lessons for the week. 
Programs used;
Apple's Pages, Keynote and Numbers, iMovie, GarageBand, Preview, Photos, TextEdit, Adobe Photoshop.  Skill Struck via Clever.
Similar to those used in class and available on a Chromebook are; which includes iCloud Drive, Photos, Pages, Keynote and Numbers, Pixlr, SoundTrap, WeVideo, Text Editor, HTML Editor For Google Drive, Adobe Spark, Google Drive
Grading Policy
I follow the RCMS grading policy as presented in the Student Handbook.  All grading is available Aeries.

Grading breakdown -
Daily lessons = 80%
Lesson quizzes = 10%
Post-Assessments = 10%

Skill Struck requirements for each lesson;
Checkpoint, Quiz, Challenge 1 = 60 points
Minimum to move on to the next lessons 60% = D-
Challenge 2 & 3 - 20 points each = 100%
Additional Challenges - 10 points
Games - 5 points
Please communicate via Aeries.
Mr. Garretson
This is my my 23rd year teaching the Apple Computer Elective course at RCMS and my 32nd year overall.  I love the opportunities that technology can provide to enhance our lives.
California Computer Science Standards

Click here for Introduction letter

When working in Skill Struck, create a new Project for each of the following: (HTML 1, 2 & CSS 1, 2, 3, 4 & JavaScript 1, 2, 3) then create a new folder with the appropriate Project for each lesson and new files for Checkpoint and all Challenges.

Week of March 31, 2025

Period 2 - Computer Science - Yearlong Course
Monday JavaScript 3 - Intro to Objects
Tuesday JavaScript 3 - Declaring an Object
Wednesday JavaScript 3 - Declaring an Object
Thursday JavaScript 3 - Accessing Object Attributes/Properties
Friday JavaScript 3 - Friday Catch-Up
Extended School Activity/Homework - Complete any unfinished work from class
Period 3 - Computer Science Semester Course
Monday CSS 1 - Theme Checkpoint
Tuesday CSS 1 - Margins & Padding
Wednesday CSS 1 - Margins & Padding
Thursday CSS 1 - Pseudo Selectors
Friday CSS 1 - Friday Catch-Up
Extended School Activity/Homework - Complete any unfinished work from class

Period 4 - Computer Science Semester Course
Monday CSS 1 - Theme Checkpoint
Tuesday CSS 1 - Margins & Padding
Wednesday CSS 1 - Margins & Padding
Thursday CSS 1 - Pseudo Selectors
Friday CSS 1 - Friday Catch-Up
Extended School Activity/Homework - Complete any unfinished work from class

Period 5 - Computer Science Yearlong Course
Monday JavaScript 3 - Intro to Objects
Tuesday JavaScript 3 - Declaring an Object
Wednesday JavaScript 3 - Declaring an Object
Thursday JavaScript 3 - Accessing Object Attributes/Properties
Friday JavaScript 3 - Friday Catch-Up
Extended School Activity/Homework - Complete any unfinished work from class

Period 6 - Computer Science - Advanced
Monday Yearbook - Video Library - add media to a Photos Library
Tuesday Yearbook - Video Library - add media to a Photos Library
Wednesday Yearbook - Video Library - add media to a Photos Library
Thursday Yearbook - iMovie - Add media
Friday Yearbook - iMovie - Add media
Extended School Activity/Homework - Complete any unfinished work from class

Home Room
Monday Check-in - iReady Math
Tuesday No Class Today
Wednesday No Class Today
Thursday No Class Today
Friday iReady Reading

Remove the background from an image - Save Image As to your Documents folder

  1. Go to the Preview app  on your Mac.

  2. Open an image.

  3. Click the Show Markup Toolbar button (if the Markup toolbar isn't showing), then click the Instant Alpha button.

  4. Drag over part of the background.

    Preview selects the area you dragged over and any pixels adjacent to it that have the same colors.

  5. To delete the selected area, press Delete.

    To delete everything outside the selected area, choose Edit > Invert Selection, then press Delete.

  6. Repeat steps 4 and 5 until you have the image you want.

Class Protocols
  • Be cool and try your best.
  • Please leave the following items outside of the computer class; toys, sporting equipment, food, gum, drinks, and cosmetics.
  • Please wash your hands and use the restroom during passing period.
  • Backpacks must be stored on the back of your seat, or on the black pad by the counter.  No backpacks allowed on the floor as that is where the open 110v outlets are located.
  • If we follow the protocols we won't have to worry about any consequences.
  • However, it you need specifics here they are;
  • Warning
  • Lunch Detention and Parent contact
  • After School Detention
  • Referral to Assistant Principal

Lab Links

Assignments & Rubrics
Word Processing - Pages
RCMS Links
Historical Event Flyer
Standards Poster Advanced Computer Class
Word Processing Skills
Digital Footprint Apple Tutorials
Digital Citizenship Research Poster iCloud

How to create a new Apple ID/iCloud account

Family Sharing and Apple Id/iCloud for students under 13

How to unlock your Apple ID/iCloud account
Presentations - Keynote How to share a document using Apple ID/iCloud account

Video screen recording on how to share a Pages file
Interview and introduce a student Getting started with Pages for iCloud
Improve yourself, your school or the world Getting started with Numbers for iCloud
Keynote - Persuasive Presentation Getting started with Keynote for iCloud
Keynote - Course Expectations Numbers User Guide for iCloud
Real Life Heroes Keynote User Guide for iCloud
Sequencing Pages User Guide for iCloud
Earth Day Mac
Make A Difference Day Pages User Guide for Mac

Keynote User Guide for Mac

Numbers User Guide for Mac

Common shortcuts

Mac OS Quick Reference


iBooks Author
Video - iMovie
Standards Based Video iPhoto
Theme or Idea Video
Apple Movie Making Curriculum
Math Tube
Room 41 help
Content vocabulary definitions video
Room 41 How To Help Page
Content Vocabulary Definitions Video in a Webpage
Copyright Information
Career Choice Video
Copyright free media
Creative Story Video
Short Story Video
Skill Struck - HTML Reference Guide
Video Overlay
Skill Struck - HTML 1 Reference Guide
Persuasive Video - CCSS - 3, 7, 8, 9, 23, 24 Skill Struck - JavaScript Reference Guide
National Awareness Days Video Project

30 second video - CCSS - 3, 7, 8, 9, 23, 24 Presentations
Digital Footprint Video
Computer Vocabulary - CCSS - 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 23, 24
Trimester Video Final
Computer Vocabulary notes - CCSS - 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 23, 24
Class Video - "The Cycle" Internet & Networking
Create a storyboard The Internet - Notes
Black History Video

Thankful Video using Adobe Spark

Storyboard Template in Pages

How to html: 

You can use the Text Editor app on your Chromebook to write html files, just remember to use .html as the extension, not .txt - You will need to Save the file to your drive, then download it to view in a browser.
First html assignment
Create a webpage using TextEdit
HTML CCSS Research Project html help page
College Project using Web Editor Sample html script page
Student discovered html scripts
html notes page
Earth Day html project
ScreenCast video - how to html
College Project using html notas html en espaņol
Make A Difference Day
New Scripts
National Awareness Days
html basics presentation
Digital Footprint in a Web Editor

Webpage Evaluation

Black History

Fun activities during a pandemic
Yearbook Ideas

Animated GIF & GarageBand sounds in a Webpage


Photoshop Assignments #1 > Keynote Photoshop Tips
Pixlr-E Assignments #1 > Keynote Photoshop in Motion: Animated GIF's and Video Editing
Photoshop Assignments #1 > Web Editor
Photoshop Elements Quick Reference
Photoshop Assignments #2 using Web Editor
Color Balance for Problem Lighting
Photoshop Assignments #1 > iMovie - CCSS - 3, 7, 8, 9, 23, 24
Cut Out a Background
Animated GIF in Keynote - CCSS - 1, 3, 7, 8, 9, 12, 13, 16, 17, 22 Fixing Backlit Photos
Animated GIF in Webpage
Fixing Light Photos
Photoshop Assignments - Part 2 in iMovie

Photoshop Assignments - Part 2 in Keynote
Fixing Dark Photos
Photoshop Assignments - Advanced class in iMovie
Digital Footprint

Photoshop Elements #2 in iBooks
Adobe Photoshop CC Help
Student Created Logo - CCSS - 3, 7, 8, 9, 23, 24
Photoshop User Guide
Animated GIF > Keynote > QuickTime video - CCSS - 1, 3, 7, 8, 9, 12, 13, 16, 17, 22
GCFGlobal Photoshop Basics Tutorial
Group Animation
Pixlr Tutorial
Pixlr projects
Pixlr Tutorial - 12 lessons
Pixlr Project #2 > Keynote


Spreadsheets - Numbers
Periodic Table of Elements   iBooks Author - digital portfolio
Geometry Practice
Earth Day Multimedia project
5-Day Weather Chart iBooks Author ePub book
Basic Formulas Animated Story
Numbers - Symmetry

Numbers - Practice Chart

Earth Day Animated Group Project
Basic Photography Skills in a WebEditor Apple Playgrounds - CCSS - 3, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 16, 17, 19, 23, 24

Are You Finished???
Can you make it better???
Look at all aspects of the project
  • Borders - rounded or square, thick or thin, black or colored
  • Backgrounds
  • Graphics
  • Choice of fonts, colors and sizes
  • Readability and Opacity - Can you read the text with the background
  • Content
    • Did you make your point?
    • Is it the best ever?
    • Is it accurate?
Can your project be published and shared with millions of other people?



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