College Webpage - Grading Rubric

Create a webpage using html scripting that describes a college that you would like to attend.  Include your reasons for choosing this college, the degree and major that you are interested in obtaining, the requirements for acceptance and what you are going to do in order to meet those requirements.  Please be as specific as possible.

Requirement Points Possible
Link to the college of your choice - <a href="URL"> name of webpage </a> (URL is the entire webpage address) 5
Reason for choosing this college 10
Area of interest - which major and link to that department 5
5 requirements to be accepted into the college of your choice - Choose <ol> or <ul>, use <li> for each item in the list, </ol> or </ul> at the end of the list 10
Link to Grant/Scholarship sources
5 links to web resources that will help to improve chances of being accepted into the school of your choice - with description of each page 10
5 steps that you will take to reach a 3.5 GPA - Choose <ol> or <ul>, use <li> for each item in the list, </ol> or </ul> at the end of the list 5
Name of web page in the title bar - <title> name of page </title> 5
Image as background lightened so that the text is readable - <body background="filename.jpg"> 10
College graphic - <img src="filename.jpg"> - filename is what you named the picture 5
Link to R.C.M.S. school site 5
Creativity and effort
General appearance of page (aesthetics) 10
Total Points Possible 100

To use an image as a background image - <body background="filename.jpg">

To make an image smaller > Double click to Open in Preview > Tools > Adjust Size, change the width to a smaller size and the hight will also adjust.  Save the file and refresh/reload your webpage.

Note - If you want to work on webpage scripting outside of class, you can use the Text app on your Chromebook to write html files, just remember to use .html as the extension, not .txt

To Save this page and make notes as shown on the right

In Safari, go to >
File > Export as PDF > Save in home folder. 

Open in Preview and highlight as needed.

If everything is completed early, you may also do the following for extra credit (only if the above is complete).

Extra Credit
Point Value
New script not taught in class

Ordered list and unordered list (whichever was not done previously)






Border on image


Superscript and/or subscript

Total Extra Credit Points Possible

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