Intramural Football
s by:Erika
Hey Lions!!! Did you
know that RCMS has after school sports such
as, flag football,
volleyball, basketball, and soccer. Currently RCMS is holding
intramural football and lots of students sign up for these spontaneous
sports. Each sport last up to about a month ,then the next sport
If you would like to sign up for any of these sports ask one of the
P.E. teaches for a sign up sheet. You also need to have good grades and
you can not be late or miss practices or games without a valid excuse.
You have three strikes and if you use them all one of the P.E. teachers
or teaches assistances will drop you. You can not be on the L.O.P. list
and the teachers do a lot of grade checks.
If you do sign up for football you can bring your football cleats. The
teachers prefer you to bring them ,but you don’t have to it just helps
you play better. If you bring your cleats they give you more support
and helps with speed. If you do and if you do not you will still have
fun. If you do like football you should try it ,it will be a great
In football you will be competing against other teams and other
schools. When you play you need to have good sportsmanship and be very
respectful. Before you play the teachers will teach you all the rules
and you will practice many drills. If you do all these things you will
have a great experience. When a sport ends everyone that participated
will get a intramural shirt.
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