(Rancho Cucamonga Middle School) is a middle school where hundreds of
students go. Some things to do at R.C.M.S. are intramural football and
other sports after school later in the year. Also there are electives
like computers, art, music, etc. Students at R.C.M.S. like to use lunch
as there free time, some play two hand touch football, soccer, or maybe
they just talk, but their are not always fun and games you have to
deserve it. If you don't listen to a teacher or do something stupid,
you may have to do lunch or after school detention, but it depends on
what you do. At R.C.M.S., 8th graders get to go to Knott’s Berry Farm,
so if I were you I would try not to get into trouble because if you get
in trouble multiple times you’ll lose fun activities to do at the end
the school year or even during the school year like dances. Sometimes
at the end of the year the teachers and students play a sport against
each other like football or basketball. Also, if you get more
than nine "F's" you cannot walk (can't get certificate for passing 8th
grade), but you still can go to high school.
Well as you
can see R.C.M.S. is just like any other middle school, there are good
things about it and bad things about it. The main thing you should’ve
took from this article is to always do the right thing because you do
not want to be in the office while your friends get their certificate
for passing the 8th grade, or lose fun activities to do in the year.
Just remember to listen and do your work. You will be just fine because
there should be no reason for getting in trouble and if you do, that is
your own fault. Anyways, just have a good day at R.C.M.S. or anywhere
you are.

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