Soccer Players
you’re a big soccer fan then you will probably know some of the people
I am about to talk about. In Soccer there is a system where
soccer teams are able to transfer players to there team by "buying"
them. Most people know
that Lionel Messi is one of
the best players in the world who plays for Argentina's national soccer
team and is also on FC Barcelona. But Lionel Messi isn’t exactly
one of the most expensive soccer
player transfers. Some of the top 5 expensive players/transfers
consist of Gareth Bale, Luis Suarez, Cristiano Ronaldo, James
Rodriguez, and Zinedine Zidane. A few of these amazing players
even have there own line of shoes like Messi and Cristiano Ronaldo.
Cristiano Ronaldo and Lionel Messi are both paired
up with companys to sell there own shoes. Ronaldo works with Nike and
Messi works with Adidas. Both of these buissness have had great success
selling there shoes over the years. Over the years there has been a
fued in the soccer world of who is a better player. Although
Cristiano Ronaldo is said to be one of the top expensive soccer
players, this might change due to rumors spreading saying Messi might
leave Barcelona, who is worth over $200 million.
Most of
these amazing players were transfered on to big time teams.
The most expensive transfer in soccer history is said to be Gareth
Bale. Bale was orginally from Tottenham and was transfered to Real
Madrid in 2013. Along with Gareth the second most expensive player is
Cristiano Ronaldo, coming from Manchester United & transferring
over to Real Madrid. Luis Saurez is the 3rd most expensive player
coming from Liverpool and transferring to Barcelona in 2014. James
Rodriguez is one of the newly expensive transfers, barely transferring
to Real Madrid last July, costing over $108 million dollars which makes
him part of the top players worth over 100 million dollars.
Facts :
is known as football everywhere in the world except the United States
Soccer was originally called basket-ball
Canada's national sport is soccer
Soccer balls used to be made out of inflated stomach tissue of executed
Irish prisoners