you ever played a game called Pokemon? It is a
Nintendo-franchised RPG(role-playing game) series owned by Game Freak with species of
creatures known as Pokemon. In the Pokemon world, there 700+
Pokemon that you can find, catch, and battle with. There are
Pokemon types(18 of them) so you can find advantages and
disadvantages. The main phrase of the series(Gotta Catch 'Em All)
sounds sort of impossible, but if you can do it, then congradulations,
you're truly a Pokemon Master.
Types of Pokemon and a Few Examples
In game, as I said there are 18 Pokemon types. They are:
- Normal
- Fire (Starter)
- Water (Starter)
- Grass (Starter)
- Bug
- Dragon
- Ice
- Rock
- Electric
- Flying
- Ground
- Steel (Generation 2)
- Fighting
- Psychic
- Dark (Generation 2)
- Ghost
- Poison
- Fairy (Generation 6)
There are also Pokemon with two types, known as
dual-typed Pokemon. Finding advantages can help you out in hard
Regions and Games
There are a total of six generations in the series, each with different regions and games. The regions and games are:
- Kanto (Generation 1), Red, Green, Blue, Yellow, Introduced: Pokemon
- Johto (Generation 2), Gold, Silver, Crystal, Introduced: Berries
- Hoenn (Generation 3), Ruby, Sapphire, Emerald, FireRed, LeafGreen, Introduced: Double Battles
- Sinnoh (Generation 4), Diamond, Pearl, Platinum, Heart Gold, Soul Silver, Introduced: PokeRadar
- Unova (Generation 5), Black, White, Black 2, White 2 Introduced: Triple Battles
- Kalos (Generation 6), X, Y, Omega Ruby, Alpha Sapphire, Introduced: Mega Evolutions
Plus, in each region, you can choose one of the
three starter Pokemon at the beginning of the game. Your rival
will pick the one with a type advantage.
In each region, one person will want to
keep battling with you over and over again. This character is
your rival and they will vary with each region. (Gender dependent followed by parentheses)
- Kanto: Blue, Gary
- Johto: Silver
- Hoenn: Wally, May(Male), Brendan(Female)
- Sinnoh: Barry
- Unova: Bianca, Cheren, Hugh
- Kalos: Calem(Female), Serena(Male), Tierno, Shauna, Trevor
Starter Pokemon
At the beginning of every Pokemon
journey, you will be given a chance to pick a Pokemon to start off your
journey with. This is called a starter Pokemon, and they vary
depending on the region.
- Kanto: Bulbasaur, Charmander, Squirtle
- Johto: Chikorita, Cyndaquil, Totodile
- Hoenn: Treecko, Torchic, Mudkip
- Sinnoh: Turtwig, Chimchar, Piplup
- Unova: Snivy, Tepig, Oshawott
- Kalos: Chespin, Fennekin, Froakie
I can give you more information next year.
Now leave my face and become a Pokemon Master!