German Shepherds
By: Braulio C.
The German Shepherd is a breed of large-sized working dog that
originated from Germany. This newspaper article will be getting deep
with the following things that they are or have,

and more
Protective, Intelligent, and Agile
The German Shepherd are very Intelligent animals that were ranked
third when more than 200 AKC judges rated over 100 breeds on their
intelligence. They’re easy to train, learning many simple commands in
as little as five repetitions. It takes a little bit of time if you do
it right. If you train these animals very well then they will become
Agile. They can instantly break into top speed, come to a sudden stop
and round a sharp corner without stumbling over themselves or their
surroundings. Thats why the police use it as a police dog or military
dog, well at least some of the reasons why.
Shedding, and Sizes
The most common color that German Shepherds have are beige and
black but there ware also solid black and solid white. German Shepherds
are very prolific shedders, that means that if you at least brush them
for 10 minutes that your whole house would be filled with dog hair
that is flying around. The only way to stop that much shedding is to brush them
daily. The German Shepherds are also large animals. They might be thin
for a few years but after they will become large and powerful. Ranging
from 22 or 26 inches they weigh 50 to 90 pounds.
The rest of this article will be based on my dog, and how she is.
Plus a miracle just happened on December 10, 2014. She had puppies as
you can see in the pictures that I took. The dog that I have is three
years old and is a girl.

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