Sixth Grade

Hi there new sixth graders! How’s sixth grade? This school year is
going to be very different from elementary, but you will have fun! In
middle school you have a schedule of six periods and an Advisory class
for reading. Also you will have different teachers and you have
P.E. every day. During P.E. you play different sports, mostly every
week you have to run a mile, and once a month you run the 20 mile club
which is a mile and a half. In middle school we don't have recess, only
lunch. Also sixth, seventh, and eighth graders get to go to Scandia if
you're on the top 100 readers.
We have fun Fridays mostly every Friday. We also have dances after
school for the whole school grade. If you do good in your grades, you
get an elective in 7th and 8th grade. If you get caught doing something
good you will get an invitation to go to the Lions Den. In middle
school when you are in seventh grade you get lockers but, for now you
only get lockers for P.E. Although you have a small locker, you can
move your stuff into a big 6 foot locker, only for the class period. In
8th grade you will get a big 3 foot locker!
When you 6th graders get to 8th grade, you will have a dance, a trip,
and promotion to look forward to. Just like in elementary you take a
trip to an amusement park. Also when you get to 7th grade you get
assigned a semester class or the wheel. in the wheel you get art,
computers, and band class. In 8th grade you get to pick your very own
elective. Of course there are requirements in order to pick your
elective. Well thats it Lions! Have a great school year at RCMS!
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