8th Graders
Hey new 8th graders. You’ve might
have had good times in the past, but this year its going to be great
there's going to be a lot of cool stuff this year. But i want to know
how eighth grade is going. Is it what you expected, do you think your
going to do better then last year, how do you feel about your teachers,
which subject is the easiest or the hardest, etc. I’ve asked a couple
people what they think and this is what they had to say: Valentina
said, “ I know eighth grade is going to be a great year, because their's
going to be a lot of fun activities, but I’m also sad because this is
the last year I get to spend time with my friends.” Tony said, “ Eighth
grade is kind of hard, but I like most of my teachers and classes.”
Serena also said, “All my classes are pretty good and I like all my
teachers, but algebra is hard.”
Eighth grade might be hard in the beginning but in the end all your
hard work will pay off. There's a lot of different things that eighth
graders get to do that sixth or seventh graders don’t have the
opportunity to do. It might be one of the best years out of the whole
three years you’ve been here (If you’ve been here for all three years).
Some of the things that eighth graders get to do is eighth grade dance,
promotion, and at the end of the year you get the opportunity to go to
Knott’s Berry with all your friends. There is also going to be teachers
competing against students in students vs staff football and basketball
games. All 8th graders can participate in all these different
activities as long as you don’t get into trouble. If you do get into
trouble you’ll get in the lop list and you won’t be able to
participate. But remember to try to have fun and enjoy your last
year at RCMS!!:)
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