Embarrassing Moments!
By: Jazmin
Hey Lions, Welcome or Welcome back to Rancho Cucamonga Middle
School! Have you ever had a time when you did something
embarrassing in public or at school? Such as farting in class, having a
really bad wedgie and having to pick it, or when there is something on
you and nobody tells you but there all laughing? Well I interviewed
David (6th grade), Clifford (7th grade), and Dalia (8th grade).
So here’s how the interviews went-
(1st Interview)
Me: Have you ever been embarrassed in public or at school?
David- Yes, and I was riding my skateboard outside and I fell off and did the splits.

(2nd Interview)
Me: Have you ever been embarrassed in public or at school?
Clifford- Yes, and I tripped and fell at Six Flags Magic Mountain.

(3rd Interview)
Me: Have you ever been embarrassed in public or at school?
Dalia: Yes, and 2 weeks ago I was eating crackers in Mr.
Maynor’s History class and he asked me a question but when I replied
Jacky laughed and so that made me laugh. I spit out my cracker and it
hit Mr. Maynor’s arm and he got mad so he threw my crackers away,
but I got mad because he took my crackers. After, he lectured me
in front of the whole class.

Okay, well look forward to an exciting year and make the best of it! =)
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