Fresh meat!
By: Rayleen
Aye! There’s Fresh Meat on Campus! That is what the
sixth graders probably thought of them selves when they first entered
our school, but what they really are is a bunch of different kids.
Trying to make their way through Middle School. Sometimes I would like
to know what did the sixth graders think on their first day at R.C.M.S.
Maybe they thought like “Omg! that kid is really tall”, or “ That
teacher looks really scary”. Also wondering what kind of thoughts and
opinions go through their heads and as they prepare for their first day
of Middle School.
Below are some six graders that I have interviewed
asking them questions like, how they felt, what did they do, what was
it like during their first day of school? Trying to really find out
what they thought on their big day at a different school. Instead of
trying to guess what they thought, and go ahead and ask them.
I've had arranged a few interviews with some of the R.C.M.S new enrolled
sixth graders that are responding to the questions. Asking
them questions about their first day of middle school.
First interview :
Q: How did you feel on your first day of school?
Gavin: said he had felt really nervous.

Second interview:
Q: What did you do on the first day of school?
Reyna: said she made new friends and had hung out with them.

Third interview:
Q: Did you like your teachers on the first day?
Isaac: said they were okay.

Fourth interview:
Q: How was it on your first day?
Kataryna: had said she was sad because school had to start all over again and summer was over.

So what you had just read were some six graders
their thoughts and opinions of their big day of middle school. Like how
some of us were when we had entered RCMS for the first time and to
begin to grow up through the years.
Bye c: