Ever Had Trouble At School Or Home?
Guys (._.)/ serious question, have you ever had trouble at home &
had to deal with it at school? It’s difficult, huh? Ever feel alone,
like you have no escape & you have no one to talk to? yea, it
happens a lot. But guess what? You
can talk about it to almost ANYONE. Teachers, students,
counselors, friends, parents or just anyone, I’m sure most people will
What about family problems? Ever had anyone
pass away that was close to you & you didn’t know how to deal with
it? Ever had a fight at home with someone in your family? Ever had some
kind of issue in your family that you can’t deal with? AND you had to
come to school & try not to think about it? Try to get over it? Try
to avoid it in any possible way? I know the feeling, but you know who
will understand the most? FRIENDS. They always try to understand &
help you out in any possible way, & If you don’t really find anyone
of your friends trustworthy enough, then tell your parents or a teacher
you trust. I know it’s difficult sometimes, but just remember,
everything works out for the best. I know it may not seem like it at
the time, but honestly if you can get put into a situation, you get put
through a situation.
felt lonely? For no reason? ever don’t know what you’re feeling?
yea..it hurts, huh? I know. Have you ever just wanted to give up? not
on life, but on everything else cause you don’t know how to deal with
anything anymore? You then begin to fall behind in school, you alienate
yourself from everyone & everything, you lose interest in things
you were once so into, you begin to lose focus, you’re suddenly
changing into someone you & everyone else knows you’re not. &
After all that, you don’t even know why? Okay, now time for an more
serious question..have you ever felt tempted to hurt yourself, in any
way? You think about hurting yourself? You HAVE hurt yourself? You feel
guilty afterwards, huh? You feel stupid, disappointed, mad, sad, angry,
everything. You feel everything & nothing all at once? You know
what you’re feeling, but then again you don’t. You seriously just want
the world to slow down, just for a while so you can finally catch up.
You feel so helpless & just so lonely. You can’t escape this
feeling at all. You cry, become more emotional & everyone notices.
You think no one in the world can & no one in the world will ever
feel the deep devastation you feel? You think no one knows, huh? I do.
GET HELP. please! Ask someone for help. I know you feel so helpless
& you feel empty, but please, everything gets better. It has to,
& I promise, you are not alone. This feeling can have an affect on
EVERYTHING. Your grades, emotions & actions.
Talk to a teacher you trust,
a family member, a friend, a counselor, or your parents.
Don't fall behind in
school because of problems at home, or because of the way you feel.
Until then, keep your head up & smile, your life is a blessing in
it gets better, I promise.

to lion times :b