School Dances (;
                By: Samantha ~
      Hey Lions! Do you guys want to know about school dances? No? If you do, keep reading.  (;
      School dances are dances were you can have fun with many friends.  Sometimes dances have the music you like,  and sometimes they have funny dancing music.  When you are inside the dance, they have lights, music, friends, and much much more!  When you go to the dance I am sure you guys will have fun. 
      How do I get in the dance?  To be able to go into the dance you need to not be off the LOP list and you also need a permission slip.  You get the permission slip at lunch in order to get in.  Once you get your permission slip, you need to get a parents signature and bring it back.  After you bring it back, you pay 4 dollars.  When you get in, I’m  sure you will have fun! 
      What’s in side?  The things that are inside are, snacks, drinks, lights, cool decorations,  friends, music, and much more.  Another thing you will see inside the dance is kids from the Advanced Computer Class taking pictures! ^-^
      Is it fun? I asked Patty who hasn’t gone to any of these dances, but she said that she is looking forward to going to her first one.  She also said if it is not good, she wants her money back.  If it is, she said she is sorry.   I also asked Adriana how she felt about the dances and she said she thinks it wouldn’t be fun if you didn’t go with your friends so therefore she will go with her friends :D.  The last person I asked was Destanie.  She hasn't gone into one, but she thinks she will have plenty of fun.  Well there you have it folks.  Everyone is excited to go to the school dances!  I hope.  See you guys at the dances. Enjoy the rest of your year and hope this year is fun!         Return to Lion Times