Favorite Movies
Hey everyone, has anyone been to the movies lately?
Well if you have I
wanna know what is the best movie throughout the whole school.
I will be
asking 2 students from each lunch what is their favorite movie
in theaters.
Well let's get to the interviews.
8th grade
First interview:
Me: What is your favorite movie in theaters?
Simira: Said her favorite movie is Paranorman.

Second interview:
Me:What is your favorite movie in theaters?
Diamond: Said his favorite movie is Sinister.

7th grade
First interview:
Me: what is your favorite movie in theaters?
Elizabeth: said her favorite movie is Pitch Perfect.

Second interview:
Me: what is your favorite movie in theaters?
Sam: said her favorite movie is Sinister.
6th grade
First interview:
Me: what is your favorite movie in theaters?
Damien: said his favorite movie is Diary of a Wimpy Dog Days.

Second interview:
Me: what is your favorite movie in theaters?
Artasia: Said her favorite movie is Taken 2.