Transforming Through The Years

    We all know that we change in someway. Whether it’s your clothes, style, or personality. You just do! These changes slowly transforms us into a new person . As we grow older, we learn new things from our mistakes and it helps us be a better person. The experiences we go through are eventful, and sometimes they just want to make you pretend it never happened! But these experiences do help us be the person that we want to be later on. It depends on how you choose to be. Then you look back to when you were just a pre-teen. You realize how much you have changed, how much you have matured. . . And how silly you were. :)



Q: How much do you think you have changed since 6th grade?

A lot. I've been more responsible. I think I got more mature.

Q:Would you change something about yourself personality wise?

A: My attitude.


Q: How much do you think you have changed since 6th grade?

A: I got more mature with the help of my parents.

Q: Would you change something about yourself personality wise?

A: Nothing.


Q: How much do you think you changed throughout the middle school years?

A: I changed my personality and made new friends.

Q: Would you change anything about yourself?

A: The way I dress.


Q: How much do you think you changed throught out the middle school years?

A: A lot. I got more mature.

Q: Would you change anything about yourself?

A: No.

   You can realize how much you have changed, but you can also try to imagine what kind of person you will be.


 Q: How much do you think your personality will change throughout the rest of your middle school years

 A: I think I won't change a lot. Just a little bit more mature.

 Q: How much do you think your personality  will change throughout the rest of your middle school years?  

A: Not Much. Probably more mature.  


    As you can see, people change. Some only transform themselves to just be a bit more mature, and others transform themselves to be a totally different person. You can't actually do anything about it. You would just be someone you're not. Being someone you're not just tires you out and won't let people know you for who you really are.

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