Live, Love, Laugh, Cry, Hope, Worry, Forgive, Accept, Enjoy, Believe, Pray, Remember.
You could do many more things but what you can’t do is forget.
This Is For You Dad.
People Change, Memories Don’t.
By: Hitoshi
There’s one thing I don’t like to see,
seeing the people you love the most go somewhere else instead of being
there right by your side. Maybe one day you’ll see them again but you
never know when that day will come, it’ll come out of no where but that
day might be one of the most special days of your life. Or the worst.
Maybe it’ll bring back memories and just make you think if you would
like to have more. You may worry if you’ll ever see that person again
but you hope to see that they are doing good in life. What if they’re
not? Well there isn’t much you could do but remember the times you had
with that special person. Remember and treasure the time you had with
that person because you know that in that time you spent with that
person was one of the greatest times you had. Well for me the memories
with that special person are more than just memories, they are moments
filled with love and joy, they are moments where you could sit down and
just laugh and smile, but they could make you cry and make you miss the
person you spent time with. Make you miss the person they was were but
now you just hope that they will come back, not just physically but as
themselves, who they used to be. There isn’t much more I should or
could say but there is something everybody should know.
People Change
Memories Don’t...

Behind everything I will remember.
I still love you.