School Shooting

                   Hey there students of RCMS. Well I’m sure you’ve all heard about the devastating school shooting in Connecticut. It all began December 15 when a man named Adam Lanza started shooting at Sandy Elementary School in Newton, Connecticut. It all began friday morning.
                 When inside the school Adam saw the principal Dawn Hocksprung and psychologists Mary Scherlach and shot them both with a rifle. He then went to the first-grade classrooms. All the teachers were trying to save as many students as possible. One teacher named Kaitlin Roig alarmed by the gunfire, hid all her students in a bathroom and closed her classroom door. The classroom he chose to go into he just went in and started shooting everyone. There were 14  coats hanging and 14 children dead. Another teacher named Victoria Soto hid her students in a classroom closet but 6 of her students got out once he saw them he shot them and Victoria. The surviving students still hiding in the closet told the police what happened. In the school there were two teacher’s aids who were killed. It wasn’t clear which aide was in which room.
                This devastating violence lasted about 10 minutes. Lanza fired about 30-round magazines with a very deadly accuracy. All of the victims were shot  many times. At the end he took the lives of 20 children and 6 staff members. They will be greatly missed and I hope their families will get better.
For more click here to go to Rafael's page.!

Rest in Peace
Madeline F. Hsu,6
Catherine V. Hubbard,6
Chase Kowalski,7
Jesse Lewis,6
James Mattioli,6
Grace Mcdonnell,7
Emilie Parker,6
Jack Pinto,6
Noah Pozner,6
Caroline Previdi,6
Jessica Rekos,6
Avaielle Richman,6
Benjamin Wheeler,6
Rachel Davino,29
   Dawn Hocksprung,47  
 Anne Maria Murphy,52
Lauren Russeau,30              CharlotteBacon,6                           
 Olivia Engel,6                             
  Josephine Gay,7                            
 Ana M. Marquez-Greene,6             
Dylan Hockley,6                              
  Victoria Soto,27
  Mary Sherlach,56
PPPhoto from