All work is to be done in basic HTML. This project is to be chosen from one of your California Common Core State Standards.
You are to create a help page on a selected standard from one of your content area classes. You must include an explanation of the selected concept with examples.
Web Page title in the browser heading |
At least 1 horizontal ruler | 5 |
Background other than the basic default white |
5 |
At least 2 images relating to your research topic |
6 |
At least one image as a hyperlink | 5 |
At least 4 links to other web pages related to your topic, with descriptions and written in correct bibliographic format | 24 |
Must have a hyperlink to the RCMS School web page | 5 |
Must have a hyperlink to the RCMS Lab web page | 5 |
Must have at least 3 items in list format | 5 |
Name, Date and Period in upper right corner of the page |
5 |
Page title centered |
Different styles of text |
Different sizes of text |
Different colors of text |
Content of your research - Maximum of 300 words |
Correct use of grammar and spelling |
20 |
In class presentation |
20 |
How to cite a webpage in a bibliography -